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Only you are you and you are a must. You are a must have, a clear GO.

You live in paradise, but without looking down on those who are not. You are fair, fair and noble. A noble and fair person.

This highly motivational video work is part of the bigger series ‚GERMAN CASHFLOW‘ and can be regarded as an outcome of my research project ‚THE PLAN‘.

Motivation is the new reflection.

Shot in Bremen and Amsterdam in late 2013

shown at:
30th Hamburg International Short Film Festival, June 3 – 9, 2014
Kasseler Dokfest, Kassel, Germany 11-16.11.2014 // www.kasselerdokfest.de
International Film Festival Winterthur, Switzerland, 2014 // www.kurzfilmtage.ch
European Media Art Festival EMAF, Osnabrueck, Germany 22-26.04.2015 // www.emaf.de
Kino Der Kunst, Munich, Germany 22-26.04.2015 //www.kinoderkunst.de
‚Do you get it‘, Cabaret Voltaire, 02.03.2016, Zurich, CH