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Series of videos


Based on the epochal evergreen ‚Die Leiden des jungen Werther’s’ by German bad boy Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, which pursued the joy and sorrow of young people. First published in 1774.
This work is lovely based on the structure of that story.
This work is not about alcoholism.
It is a work about creating your own reality. Delusion, beauty and hope.
Motivational advise from below. It is not easy to imagine how to sink much deeper than the protagonist (you). Still most of the time he is more than positive. Enjoying his days.
He is king in the castle of thorns instead of being a bum living in a bush.
He is unhappily in love, but falls in love at least once every day.

Overdramatising his every move. Romantic, and drunk.
Alter Senator is the name of bremen's oldest cheap liquor. To to the narrator the Senator is a true companion. Full of ideas, pushing, leading, caring and comforting.
Alter Senator is a beautiful story, a story about an unlucky optimist. He is living most people's nightmare and is giving us a preptalk about it.

shot in Bremen, Germany.
Created with support of Filmbuero-Bremen – http://www.filmbuero-bremen.de/home/
and the Mondriaan Fonds. – https://www.mondriaanfonds.nl/